Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Let's Play Ball!

I remember, as a little kid, always wanting to have boys when I grew up. I think growing up with a brother and 3 boy cousins, who lived with us, I thought boys were so much fun...and they are.
I could not wait until the boys started sports, and here we are. Jude and Cake (Caleb) started playing baseball this season.
I originally signed them up thinking they would be on the same team. I knew with a new baby in tow, going to multiple games and practices was out of the question. Well when I went to sign them up, I discovered they were on different teams. Caleb was T-ball age and Jude was moved up to AA. Ugh! It was not what I was expecting, but I couldn't turn away now. The boys were too excited to start playing baseball (Although, they had no idea what baseball was).
So, here we are in the thick of baseball season. It is a HUGE commitment...and I don't know what we are going to do when the boys start playing multiple sports. And, add Zoe in there...maybe she will be in dance or play a sport. I don't know what Lance and I are going to do.
For now, it is more than we expected, but not too bad.
They have games Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays and practices one day a week. Add swim classes on Monday, and, yes, Lance and I are exhausted.
I can't even tell you the last time I mopped my floors. Maybe when Zoe starts crawling, I will get around to it. haha...

Watching the boys play is the highlight of my week. They are so cute and have so much fun playing...I can't get enough. They are really serious too. When I want to take their picture, they give me the..."I'm here to win" game face. I have no idea where these kids get their personalities from, but they're hysterical. 

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