Sunday, August 23, 2015

Puerto Vallarta

Here comes another vacation post...

trust me, this is not the norm for us.
But, we were beyond blessed to go on another vaca before summer was officially over!

A couple months back, a few friends of ours were telling us how they had such an amazing time on their trip to Dominican Republic. It was just the two of them, and, by their description, it seemed heavenly.

Our last vacation (Disney World) was a blast. But, let's be honest for one minute. Trekking 3 kids across country, pushing through crowds of people, and melting in the Florida heat wasn't the most relaxing vacation. Of course, the joy on our kids faces was worth the trek. But, we came back needing a vacation from our vacation. 

Our friends decided they had so much fun in the Dominican that they wanted to share the experience with their friends. They looked into some deals, and decided the perfect place for a kids-free, friends vacation was Puerto Vallarta. When they asked Lance and I to join them...we could not resist. 

Lance and I decided to leave a day early to have some one-on-one quality time together...and I am so glad we did! Let me tell you, leaving the kids behind almost put me in a full blown anxiety attack. I have never left the baby over night anywhere! So, I was so concerned about leaving her. Plus, right before we left, her top tooth started cutting. I knew she would be miserable all weekend and wanting her momma. soon as my toes hit those sandy beaches and I had a margarita in my hand, all anxiety was gone. (Plus...lots and lots of prayer! God knew I NEEDED this time and He gave me the peace I needed) 

For the record, this was the BEST vacation I have ever been on! Although it was hot...I mean hot, hot, sweat dripping off your body hot, we had a blast! We spent hours in the pool and ocean, went paddle boarding, got a couple massage (BEST massage of my life!), explored the city, went on a 6 hour adventure through the mountain complete with zip lines,repelling, ATVs, rope climb, hike, and water slide, ate some of the most AMAZING Mexican food I have ever had, but, most importantly, spent some much needed quality time with my best friend. 

This vacation was exactly what Lance and I needed to recharge. I never realized how important it was to put aside time for just the two of us (without the kids). There was no stress about waking up at a certain time, or eating at a certain time, or someone saying they had to go potty, or asking us questions every 5 seconds. And, the best part...I could take a shower when I wanted to for as long as I wanted to! Wow! The things you look forward to once you become a parent. haha! 

Needless to say, I missed those kids like CRAZY! Every kid Lance and I saw on our trip would remind us of those little boogers.We kept saying to each other...the kids would like this, next time we're bringing the kids, or this reminds me of the kids. And, coming home to them was sweet, sweet, sweet!

My one regret of the entire trip...I did not take enough pictures! We kept our phones in our room for most of the trip along with my camera. We were having so much fun that we forgot to take pictures! But, I do have a few fun ones to share.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Summer's Over (a re-cap)

I just cannot believe that summer has come to an end!! I guess you can say we had one fun summer!

The reason I started this blog was to keep record of memories, have a creative outlet, and keep everyone up to date on our family happenings.

Well, it's safe to say I have failed miserably. But, I am here to redeem myself with a re-cap of what in the heck we've been up to. 

Ever since last year, Jude has been begging us to go on a Disney cruise. Every time that commercial comes on with kids going down water slides and hanging out with the Disney crew, I do not hear the end of it. I decided to just look into it for our family vaca this year, since we try to go somewhere every year. It's safe to say, it was WAY out of our budget. (Maybe one day, Jude)So, I decided to look into other cruise lines, which were more affordable. Then, the thought dawned on me. Why not make a trip to Disney World instead? We have family about an hour way, who have been begging us to visit. It seemed like a win-win.
Long story short, we unanimously decided that a family vacation to Florida sounded like a FABULOUS idea.
So, we started our summer with one of the BEST trips I have ever had!'s safe to say, that the kids concur. 

Here is a phone re-cap of our incredible trip:

This trip was packed with so many fun memories. We will never forget our unexpected 6 hour drive to Atlanta.
But, it was ALL worth it!

The kids LOVED Disney World...and Zoe got to meet her great-grandmother!!